Vel Tech University is listed in the Careers360 Engineering colleges rating of the year 2013. As Tamil Nadu is considered as one of the best place for engineering colleges and education, ranking the top college depends upon the criteria such as the quality of coaching,the institution’s facilities and past academic history of the college. By considering all these criteria’s, Vel Tech is ranked ‘AAA’ position in Tamil Nadu among 3217 colleges. Recently in the year 2013, Global Human Resource Development Center has conducted a survey for best engineering colleges and the results included vel tech university as one of the Chennai best engineering colleges.
In India, there are more than thousands of B-schools providing management courses for students. Go Education survey 2013, considered VT B school veltech Dr.R.R. &Dr. S.R Technical University located in Thiruvallur as one of the best B-school and listed the college in the category A++. This is really a great honour to the Vel Tech Technical University. We have received CIDC vishwakarma award in social upliftment category. Moreover, Vel Tech has won first prize among 40 engineering colleges in GridTech 2013 which was organized by Power Grid Corporation Ltd, New Delhi.
VTU is offering 59 courses inculding the post graduation courses. Some of the high opportunity courses are offered in field such as Marine, textile , aeronautical. The value added courses such as Cisco, Microsoft, RedHat, Oracle,EMC2, PMA, British Council and many other programmes are provided by us for the students. Some of the new post graduate engineering courses introduced by the college are, M.E/M.Tech in CAD/CAM, Metallurgy, Machine Design, Robotics and courses such as artificial intelligence, embedded system technology, automobile engineering have high scope. VTU provides both full time and part time programmes to students and they are encouraged with scholarships for their achievements in academics. So far, Vel Tech has provided 7 crore Mahatma Gandhi Merit Scholarships for their students. And also provides placement facilities for the students to attain a bright career with a right job.

In India, there are more than thousands of B-schools providing management courses for students. Go Education survey 2013, considered VT B school veltech Dr.R.R. &Dr. S.R Technical University located in Thiruvallur as one of the best B-school and listed the college in the category A++. This is really a great honour to the Vel Tech Technical University. We have received CIDC vishwakarma award in social upliftment category. Moreover, Vel Tech has won first prize among 40 engineering colleges in GridTech 2013 which was organized by Power Grid Corporation Ltd, New Delhi.
VTU is offering 59 courses inculding the post graduation courses. Some of the high opportunity courses are offered in field such as Marine, textile , aeronautical. The value added courses such as Cisco, Microsoft, RedHat, Oracle,EMC2, PMA, British Council and many other programmes are provided by us for the students. Some of the new post graduate engineering courses introduced by the college are, M.E/M.Tech in CAD/CAM, Metallurgy, Machine Design, Robotics and courses such as artificial intelligence, embedded system technology, automobile engineering have high scope. VTU provides both full time and part time programmes to students and they are encouraged with scholarships for their achievements in academics. So far, Vel Tech has provided 7 crore Mahatma Gandhi Merit Scholarships for their students. And also provides placement facilities for the students to attain a bright career with a right job.
Vel Tech Engineering College is known for its achievements best in terms of student education.